So, as you all know, part of our purpose of coming here to Ecuador was to participate in Spanish school. Our first week we attended a Spanish school called Andean Global Studies. This school was sufficient. We learned a little. Our teachers were nice. The distance was walkable. But it was just not what we had in mind. . . I think that it's somewhat drab atmosphere was contributing to my homesickness. . .I also think that I was just really missing my mommy and daddy. Also, there are just so many new things to take in and it all is a bit overwhelming. . . all also contributing. To kind of explain this city. . it really really long (from north to south) and skinny (from east to west). Well, the north part of town is called New Town, and the south part is called Old Historic Town. The old part is the pretty, traditional, unique part, and the new is the big dirty city part (it's not ALL dirty) our home is in the north as was our school. So unless we wanted to take a 30 minute bus ride we were feeling kinda stuck in the new part. Which we weren't super excited about.
So. . . .we found a new school in a different part of town, it's still in new town, but it's in a different part, and the school is BEAUTIFUL, and the teachers act like they REALLY enjoy being there. We are excited to be in this new environment. To start the first week there we have increased our schooling hours from 4 to 6 hours a day. Along with the step up in hours (Now it is Jesse writing) Cass has opted out of the "medical" course in evaluation of all the circumstances. The "medical" part to the school would have cost more and have taken her to some of the hospitals here in Quito which in reality are not much different than big hospitals in the States. This new school offers volunteer, "hands on," experiences that we do not have to pay for and gives her the personal involvement she was looking for here in Ecuador. We are excited about this new change.
(okay, it's Cass again). So along with this change in schools and environments, we also met some new friends here that are changing my homesick view of the world. Their names are Jon and Anna and they are friends of a friend of ours from the states (Amber Rader). They arrived here about three weeks ago and are staying for a year to work in this amazing house called Casa Victoria, check out the link on our page. The mission of the house is restoring homes, restoring lives. It's a Christian organization that is trying to impact the town of Quito with the love of Jesus. We also have the option of living at the house our last two weeks in Quito if we want to. . .we'll see, we also love our home family. So, that's the basic update. Life is looking up!! Not that it was really down. =) We are having fun!! Thanks for you thoughts and prayers!
Our new friends Jon and Anna
Us with our morning routine!!
Yay! It looks like you are having so much fun! What amazing opportunities the Lord has provided you with and what a blessing for new friends! Nothing but love you two......
Now in spanish to contribute to your learning:
¡Yay! ¡Se parece a usted tienen tanta diversión! ¡Qué asombrando las oportunidades que el Señor le ha proporcionado con y con lo que una bendición para nuevos amigos!
Instant coffee?!! and it's not even Yuban! Should I send beans? I can't wait to hear how your first day at the new school went. Do the volunteer opportunities start right away? Jesse, how are the allergies? Was it the wool blanket? I love you both! -mom
Hello Jessidy,
Glad you folks are having so much fun and new experiences.
Most people don't even find the time to send a post-card or an e-mail their first week and the two of you are maintaining a blog.
Looking forward to G-ma Scherba seeing it.
Gee Scherba
Matt and I just got all caught up on your adventures :) First we wanted to congratulate Cass for passing the big test, we are so proud of you! Also Happy Birthday Cass- sorry its late we were on the family vacation at Rollins lake last week. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
We love you both!
Matt and Anna
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