Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Humor in Realities...

Cass has done a good job of updating the blog! However, I feel compeled to write my own to give some perspective that is often either missed or overemphasised. Hopefully with some humor you will enjoy the following...

First of all, everything on the computer is different! The keyboard puts characters on the screen that don't exist. Letters on the keyboard are rubbed clean, or should I say rubbed off- I don't think they are very clean! Everything on the screen is in spanish (go figure) and usually you can at least change the keyboard setting from spanish, german, japonese, etc. so that you can type how you are used to typing on a keyboard at home. All to say it takes a bit of effort and a little more time to type. So forgive akward characters or misspelled words - I CAN'T FIND IT ON THE KEYBOARD! .) (see, i cant even find the colon - AH, I just forund it hitting the wrong key!!! Ah yeah!)

Next, have you ever wondered what it is like to sleep on a runway on an airport, in a dog pound, with dreams that sound like car and home alarms or with a cloths pin on your nose..._+)(*)_+)(**&^%$#@!%^(__{}[]=-09\'";:/? I found the question mark sign! ??? Have you ever wondered what it is like to sleep in all the same conditions at one time? Yeah, me neither... but I have a good idea! The airport is about a mile away, dogs bark all night long(Cass likes whne the dogs suddenly bark at the gate when we walk by - it startles her a tad). The best is when you wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air... for some reason, when I can't breath through my nose (I am alergic to everything) and the air at +9,000 feet seem to leave me short of breath at times.

Now, we eat well. Plenty of food. Actually to much food but we want to be polite, so we eat, and eat,. and ... So let me tell you about our coffee. We are in the perfect growing region for coffee. Ecuador, they say grows great coffee. Listen to the following about the wonderful coffee we drink. I am still searching for that perfect, ah, that good cup of Joe. Actually, you can not find brewed coffee here. There are only Americanos (espresso with water) and they leave one still searching as well. (sorry, I have no video for you, I can't find the computer tower to plug in my carmera!)

Oh how I could go on! Running out of time. We got to go to class and they charge us a buck a hour at the internt cafe (

Stay tuned for future "The Humor in Realities." Next time, we will look at pedestrian "land minds," city transportation, the common "security system," and much more!

Nothing But Love,

ps- Brooke, Auntie Cass says her favorite food so far is a fruit called guanabana. Sorry, I don't know what it looks like. But it sure tastes good!


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I've been waiting to get educated on how to respond on a blog and finally got Luke to teach me. Sounds like you're there safe and sound and having a unique and interesting experience.Enjoy! I'm going to say bye for now to test to see if this even gets to you!

lyndsi said...

Hey guys!! Its lyndsi!! I am so excited for you. It sounds like you are having an amazing time! I cant wait to hear all about it and see lots of pictures! Love ya!

Stace said...

Sounds like things are certainly interesting down there...good luck on the coffee hunt Jess. I realize the importance of this search. :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are wonderful time. I check every day to see what adventures you are having.

boarderdudet said...

I hear you on the food. I feel like you´re probably walking more than usual so it should even it self out... hopefully. Good luck with the elevation though... love you guys! enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" to Cass a little early! We are leaving for Rollins Lake tomorrow, instead of Trinity! We got smoked out! So we won't be home until the 1st! So I didn't want to miss saying Have a wonderful Birthday! We will be missing and thinking of you both!

Love, Jill and Family

Anonymous said...

Hope you two had a great weekend meeting up with the friends of friends. I will be interested in hearing what church was like in Equador. Hope school goes well tomorrow. We love you and you are in our prayers.
Papa Tom